

Men Pursuing Christ





What We Do

Men's Groups and Activities

Men Pursuing Christ

Join a group of 130+ men coming together for a time of fellowship and encouragement. Men Pursing Christ meets once a month on a Monday night for times of service and equipping!

Community Groups

Looking for more opportunities to connect, grow, and share? Check out our Community Group
Learn More

Women's Groups and Activities

Chapin Women in Missions
The members of Chapin Women in Missions are a community of women who’s purpose is to serve others through missions, fellowship, and encouragement.
Community Groups
There are several groups specifically for women of all ages.
Learn More


50 FWD

Are you 50 years old or older? 50FWD meets every other month in the Fellowship Hall at 11 am for a time of entertainment, fellowship, and more. In addition, there are trips (both day trips and overnight) available including concerts, plays, apple picking, and way more! For more information contact Pastor Bob Brooks at or 803-345-2801

Senior Singles

Singles are an active group from their 50’s into their 80’s. Our gathering spots vary from the church facility to member’s homes to the lake! Cookouts, covered dishes and prepared meals have served us well! We usually meet the 4th Friday of the month at 6:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall. Monthly emails are sent with each month’s specific information. Come join us! Contact Sandy Mims at 864.616.1777 for an update on the CCCC Singles activities!


Flowers Circle

Second Thursday of the month, 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Women, Adults


Adult Ministry Staff


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