
Thank You!

Your financial generosity is greatly appreciated. At Chapin Christian, we believe giving is an act of faithfulness, an act of trust, and an act of worship – all directed towards our great God who has generously given to us all that we have! So when you click on the “give” button below, your act of generosity is much more than simply giving money. You are part of a greater and glorious movement of people who have a vision to see individuals connected to Jesus Christ through the Gospel; then growing in their faith as fully devoted followers of Jesus; and through their development as disciples, sharing their faith and their lives with others. Yes, your giving accomplishes all of that! So thank you in advance for your generosity and commitment to the Gospel.

Other Ways To Give

As Christians, we are called to give, but giving doesn’t always mean monetarily. 
Through the giving of our time and talents, we can help those around us, sharing the good news of Jesus!