
Welcome to The Wave Children's Ministry

Family Worship

There will be no children’s ministry programs at 9am, 10:10am, or 11:15am or Sunday afternoon. Families will worship together on December 29th.

Tips for worshipping with your children can be found HERE

Catch • Dive • Cast

The Wave Ministry desires to partner with parents to lead children to CATCH the Wave of God’s Amazing Love, DIVE Deep into His Word, and CAST His Love to Everyone!

Our Wave Ministry staff and volunteers (Wave Leaders) are passionate about children and excited to partner with parents in leading their children to better understand who God is and how to begin a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Very Best Summer

Join our Wave Ministry throughout the summer for activities and events for the whole family! For more details, you can text the word “SUMMER” to 803-653-6600 or click the link below!

Ministry Details & FAQs


Nursery provided for 2-year-olds and younger


Birth – 5th Grade
Sunday School Small Groups


Birth-5th Grade
Preschool Worship (2-4 year olds)
Kids Worship (K-5th Grade)
SonFlower (Special Needs Ministry)

When you arrive to Chapin CCC for the first time, follow the signs leading you to the Wave Children’s Ministry Building. Upon entering the glass doors, you will be greeted by one of our check in/registration desk volunteers (Wave Leader) wearing our signature blue shirts. This Wave Leader will guide you through the check-in process and welcome you and your child(children) to our church!


We begin receiving children into classrooms 15 minutes before each service starts. Per our Safe Sanctuary Policy, all classrooms must have 2 adult Wave Leaders present before receiving children.  Check-in/Registration begins 30 minutes before each service. 

Security Tags

All children birth-5th grade must be checked-in and out by an adult. 

When registering, you will receive two tags: one will be a name tag for your child to wear and the other will be a security code tag.  Both tags will have the same unique security code on them. 

The security tags serve two purposes:
  • Parent Paging – If we need you during service, we will send a text to the number listed on your registration form.  If we do not receive a reply, the security code on your sticker will be displayed on the screen in the Worship Service, and we ask that you return promptly to the Wave Ministry Building.
  • Child Pick-up – You must present the security code to the adult at the classroom door, the adult will match the code with your child’s name badge before releasing the child to you. 
  • Children will be released to adults only (18 years of age and older).

Child Protection/Safe Sanctuary

All Adult Wave Ministry Volunteers (Wave Leaders) have completed Safe Sanctuary Child Protection Training and an extensive background check has been conducted. Our Jr. Wave Leaders (6th grade – 17 years old) have also completed Safe Sanctuary training and sign a Youth Volunteer Covenant. Our Wave Leaders can be identified by our signature blue Wave Leader shirts and a name tag. If you would like to receive a copy of our policy, please email

It is our desire to provide a healthy and safe environment for all protected persons at Chapin Christian Community Church. Parents are encouraged to be considerate of others when deciding whether to place a protected person under our care. In general, individuals with the following symptoms should NOT be dropped off:

  • Fever, diarrhea, or vomiting within the last 48 hours;
  • Green or yellow runny nose;
  • Eye or skin infections; and/or
  • Other symptoms of communicable or infectious disease.

If you have any questions or would like more information about our ministry please email

We believe that the job of discipling our children and partnering with parents is one of the most important things we can do. We also recognize that this is a team effort. We love when our parents, grandparents and church members serve in the Wave Ministry. 

If you want to know more about serving and attending a Safe Sanctuary Child Protection Training, please contact Natalie McCoy

SonFlower Ministry

11:15 a.m. (Special Needs)

If you have a child who would like to join our SonFlower Ministry on Sunday Mornings, please contact

The SonFlower Ministry exists to provide a Christ-centered, inclusive environment for individuals with specific needs. We desire to partner with families as they participate in the life of our church.

In most situations, we use a buddy system where the individual is matched with a buddy who will provide individual care in a classroom of peers. When needed, individuals may be served in our SonFlower classroom led by at least two trained adult Wave Leaders.

If your child has a special need requiring extra care, please contact Natalie McCoy at We want to be prepared to provide the best environment for your child.  We would love to learn more about your child and work with you to provide a safe, nurturing environment for your child to experience the love of Jesus and enjoy being a part of our faith family.

What We Do

Birth - 4k

Nursery/Toddler Ministry 

Birth – 2 Years
9:00 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.

We desire to partner with parents to create the building blocks for their children to form a gospel-centered foundation.  We teach Bible truths, play, sing, and nurture children to know: God made the world, God is good and loves us, Jesus came to save us and wants to be our best friend.

Preschool Worship
2k – 4k
11:15 a.m.
Preschool Worship includes separate 2K, 3K, and 4K classrooms with  Christ-centered bible curriculum, songs, and activities to reinforce the lesson and scripture memorization to connect with each other, connect with leaders, and connect with God and connect with families. 

K - 5th Grade

Elementary Worship
11:15 a.m. 

Our Elementary Ministry serves children Kindergarten through 5th grade.  We desire to partner with parents to continue building a gospel-centered foundation for their children.  We teach children to know and live the word of God, find their identity in Christ, and understand that Jesus is their Savior.

Kids Worship includes songs, Christ-centered bible curriculum, activities to reinforce the lesson and scripture memorization to connect with each other, connect with leaders, and connect with God and connect with families.

Sunday School Small Groups

Birth – 5th Grade
10:10 a.m. 

We use D6 curriculum in our Sunday School classrooms.

D6 connects the church to home and families to one another. D6 is based on the principles of Deuteronomy 6:5-9—love God, love His Word, and teach your children to do the same.

D6 Curriculum helps parents connect with kids through the use of devotional study guides and other take-home resources that help equip the home. We encourage parents to read the quarterly devotion books with their children.

Special Needs (Sonflower Ministry)

Sonflower Ministry
11:15 a.m. 

If you have a child who would like to join our SonFlower Ministry on Sunday Mornings, please contact

The SonFlower Ministry exists to provide a Christ-centered, inclusive environment for individuals with specific needs. We desire to partner with families as they participate in the life of our church. 

In most situations, we use a buddy system where the individual is matched with a buddy who will provide individual care in a classroom of peers. When needed, individuals may be served in our SonFlower classroom led by at least two trained adult Wave Leaders.

If your child has a special need requiring extra care, please contact Natalie McCoy at We want to be prepared to provide the best environment for your child.  We would love to learn more about your child and work with you to provide a safe, nurturing environment for your child to experience the love of Jesus and enjoy being a part of our faith family.


Watch our weekly Children’s worship series.


Children's Ministry Staff

Connect With The Wave
